Friday, November 13, 2009

Cheat Codes for College Entrance Exams

Let's face it, currently the primary method that most colleges and universities use for deciding your fate is your SAT or ACT score. You can be captain of the debate team, student council president or Mother Teresa, but if you don't have a stellar test score, they have a tendency to "misplace" or overlook your application.

Most financial aid is also awarded based on the scores of these tests. On one hand it is probably one of the only fair ways to decide these things, but on the other hand some people who have been very successful in college have not had super high scores. So what's a poor but motivated student supposed to do?

Well, you can always pay someone to take the test for you. Just kidding, I don't think this works very well. You can also pay someone at a learning center lots of money to force you to study and pound the informatin into your head. Or, you can admit defeat and actually spend some time studying for these tests.

These days there are countless websites and databases that make studying for these exams fun. OK, well as fun as studying can be. Here is a list of web places that I have found that will help you prepare in the least painless way possible.